Top 30 Under 30 by Kyiv Post
Since 2016, the Kyiv Post has given an annual award to 30 young Ukrainians from all over the nation who have outstanding achievements in their chosen fields. The winners are part of a new generation of young adults with great ideas and patriotism, leaders who are working to solve Ukraine's problems and make the nation we love a better place. Past winners have included Olympic medalists, members of parliament, business leaders, humanitarians and regional activists. And now we are searching for new heroes!
Nominate your candidate!
Please note that your candidate must be:
- Citizen of Ukraine
- Under the age of 30 by Nov. 14
- Live in Ukraine for the last 2 years

The Kyiv Post is the world's top source of independent English-language news about Ukraine since 1995. The newspaper, winner of the 2014 Missouri Honor Medal for Distinguished Service to Journalism, publishes a print edition every Friday and its website is updated continuously with exclusive stories, videos, photo galleries and opinions. The Kyiv Post organizes a number of events, including the annual Tiger Conference, job fairs, CEO Breakfasts and other networking events for top representatives of local business, government and nongovernmental sectors. Subscribe to the Kyiv Post to support independent journalism in Ukraine.